Hi everyone, I’m a school teacher and we’re finishing our thesis project. We’ve ran in a big issue while packaging the project, essentially Unreal is unable to find the nodes and structures coming from an external plugin that we have integrated in the Plugins folder of the project(OpenAIAPI)
The errors given are similar to the following:
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\bigWa\OneDrive\Desktop\UpdatedProjectZip\MetaPedro\MetaPedro\Content\MetaHumans\Pedro\BP_Pedro.uasset: [Compiler] Could not find a function named “OpenAICallGPT3” in ‘BP_Pedro’.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\bigWa\OneDrive\Desktop\UpdatedProjectZip\MetaPedro\MetaPedro\Content\MetaHumans\Pedro\BP_Pedro.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin no longer exists on node Set Open AIApi Key . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/MetaHumans/Pedro/BP_Pedro.BP_Pedro
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/MetaHumans/Pedro/BP_Pedro.BP_Pedro_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_Pedro:Temp_struct_Variable_2’. Unknown structure.
We tried refreshing the blueprints that use these nodes, but the errors are still the same! Could anybody help us? Thanks in advance!