unable to package my game because of strange error -- log link updated

Hello brilliant minds you are my only hope left.

I am unsure how to proceed any further. It was a week ago or so that I started trying to package my game in 5.3.2 but that didnt work. Upon investigation, I discovered that when I use a game instance upon reopening the UE editor, it crashes. So i have been working very hard to replace game instance with save game. But tonight just for kicks. I tried to package my, without game instance. And the same cryptic error that happens every when the game instance crashes the editor happened in package.

I had thought this error is caused by presence of game instance so i was just testing to see ok what if there is no game instance would my game package, sadly the answer is NO.

both my crash log and the package error log share the same cryptic error whose meaning have not been able to find in all my searches online.

The error shared is:

Assertion failed: Linker [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 2152]

the full error log of packaging is:

the full crash log after using game instance upon reopening the ue editor is

thanks you so much for all the help, guidance and tips you would have in this matter. thanks!


I haven’t encountered this particular issue, so before we move forward, have you:

  1. Fix up redirectors?

  2. Migrated the project into a fresh project?

If not, do it and see if it works. I see a lot of broken references (including some missing audio!, so you need to be a little careful when you move or delete objects).

Again, not sure, but do the above and come back.

Dear Lo,

  1. I have no idea how to fix up redirectors. I am new to UE and very new to packaging, this being my first game to package.

  2. So almost 3 weeks ago, I tried to package my game in 5.2.1. It never worked I had so many crashes. I then discovered these crashes were happening because 5.2.1 couldnt handle metahumans which was a fundamental part of my project.
    I saw to it that 5.2.1 couldnt handle metahumans becuase I couldnt even package an empty project with just a metahuman.
    So I installed 5.3.2 a couple of weeks ago, and saw to it that metahuman worked there. since I could package an empty game with metahuman there.
    Then I did the very painstaking process of migrating my 5.2.1 project to 5.3.2. Almost took me 10 hours to do so.
    When I finally and fully migrated everything, the above error happened. Through exploration I discovered this error was connected to game instance. Since even reopening a game instance blue print would crash my editor. So I worked for day to replace game instance by save game.
    But today, just for fun, I tried to package my game without game instance. And the same exact error that happened with game instance happened without it, and same crash log error of the editor is the main culprit of the packaging fail.

I hope this addresses your questions, thank you very much for your help and looking forward to hearing back from you again. thanks!

Yeah, I understood you.

Look up how to “Fix up redirectors”. It’s easy.

You migrated up which is a NO-NO.

If you have a big project you should NEVER change versions.

Did you migrate into 5.3 or did you update to 5.3?

thanks a lot! I had to migrate to 5.3.2 because 5.2.1 couldnt even package an empty level with metahuman. I still have my 5.2.1 game but I cant really package it. I am not sure what you mean by this “migrate into 5.3 or did you update to 5.3?”
I dowloaded 5.3.2 and migrated my project from 5.2.1 into 5.3.2

I just fixed up redirectors, and made no difference. So I went and downloaded the debugging symbols. so this time the package failing log is much more explicit, here is the complete log.

This may have been because you were lacking a Visual Studio installation at the time. That’s NOT normal behavior.

  1. Updating:
  1. Migrating:

I need to make sure we’re on the same page. Did you do either of these?

The errors I’m seeing look to be broken or missing functions within the project’s settings. So, I need to know if you moved your project one of the above ways or if you copied it manually.

So at first when I tried to package my game in 5.,2.1 it would stop after 5 minutes. So then I learned it was because I didnt have the correct installation of visual studio with the right extensions and such. So after installing the right visual studio and the right extensions I could then attempt to package my game and this time it would take much longer like 100 minutes, but it still crashed. From all the error messages I got i saw this was because of metahuman. I further tested this by trying to just paackage an empty level with just metahuman and the game packaged in 5.2.1 but then when I launched the game it would never run, it would crash.

So all of this had me think I can’t use 5.2.1 to package my game. Mind you, I still have my original game in 5.2.1 and I would love to just package it from there if possible

So then I installed 5.3.2 and I saw that I could actually make an empty level with a metahuman and it would package. So I attempted to migrate my game from 5.2.1 to 5.3.2

except the migration failed. So I had to do this piece by piece.

I have errant worlds in my game, I Have metahuamn acting as my player character, a whole bunch of plugins and things couldnt be migrated.

So before migration I installed errant world, I installed the other plugins like water and niagra and things like that. Then when everything was in place, I then migrated content from 5.2.1 to 5.3.2 a folder at a time. I would migrate one folder and then if it didnt crash I would migrate another folder

and finally when eveyrthing was migrated I still had problems, I had to fix my metahuman replace my player character, i had to fix certain animations

But thats bascially how I did everything.

And as I said I would be extremely happy if I could just package my game in its original setting of 5.2.1 but that doesnt seem possible, and thats why I did this complicated migration

Did you uninstall and then reinstall 5.2?

This COULD be a bug, but again, there seem to be source files missing.

And when you introduced each folder, did you attempt to package the game EVERY SINGLE TIME you introduced a new folder?

actually I ened up doing it recently

tell you what I am going to package the game again in the 5.2.1 and will provide you with the log.

I do want to mention for migration to 5.3.2 I migrated everythning in the content folder except metahumans and 3rd preson character, I created that insde 5.3.2.

So basically i installed all the plugins in 5.3.2 and then afterwards I migrated all contnt

Are you CERTAIN that you introduced each migrated folder ONE BY ONE, and packaged EVERY SINGLE TIME?

I get it, it’s a LOT of work, but that’s the only way you’ll be able to hunt down the issue.

no I didnt say that. I migrated things and made sure they get migrated after everything got migrated and were working in the editor, after all of that I packaged. I didnt package every single time I migrated a folder

Then you’ll need to do that, unless you get VEEERRRYYYY lucky that someone else in the Forums has had your exact same issue.

by the way, i just tried to package the game in the reinstalled 5.2.1 and now the package failed after 1 minute. So back to the same problem I had almost a month ago n 5.2.1

here is the log

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ok thanks

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The reason it failed after 1 minute is because the same issues you had back then persist now and you need to deal with them.

The only error I see is this (but there are MORE errors; Unreal is saying, “start with this one before I give you anything else…”):

ERROR: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.

Which is encountered here:

Which was solved by migration.

You’re going in circles, so yeah, roll up the sleeves, and migrate → package one by one.

thank you. I appreciate all your help!

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