Unable to package anything, even base content. PackagingResults: Error: Missing UE4Game binary.You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:UE4Game

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): ERROR: Stage Failed. Missing receipt ‘C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Binaries\Win32\CrashReportClient-Win32-Shipping.target’. Check that this target has been built.

PackagingResults: Error: Missing UE4Game binary.You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:UE4Game

Hi all,

So whenever i try to package any project i get the above errors. This could be my own personal projects that i have done, or even the default Unreal templates. The above 2 were taken from the VR template with no changes made to it.

I’ve done clean reinstalls of 4.23, tried it on multiple computers etc. but nothing is working to solve this. It isnt a custom build or anything, literally just downloaded straight from the launcher.

Hey, i do have the same Error with 4.23

I reinstalled the engine and all versions of visual studio (i have this Problem in a Blueprint only project without VR).
I am able to pack a 64 bit windows version however 32 bit always throws the error.

can you pack for 64 bit?

I’m afraid i can’t package for anything. 32 bit and 64 bit both in dev and shipping modes.

It is only in my starting template VR project though now. Its decided it likes my other projects after another complete reinstall of Unreal.