Unable to package after upgrading to 4.12

Hi there,

we are unable to package our project after upgrading from 4.11 to 4.12

I have uploaded the log for you to view here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/282171110/Cook-2016.07.25-14.51.48.txt

We have noticed we are getting warnings such as this:

PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to find package for cooking /Game/Blueprints/BP_FPS_GameMode (only one of these)


LogBlueprint:Warning: Node ‘/Game/SciFiWeapLight/Sound/RocketLauncher/RL_Fire_Cue.RL_Fire_Cue:SoundCueGraph_51.SoundCueGraphNode_23’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package. (lots of these, different assets.)

Any ideas what is causing the “error unknown cook failure” ?




After looking over your logs, it appears that there are several warnings, including an ensure, that you are getting that could be affecting the packaging process. What I’d recommend right now is to go through the log and attempt to resolve the error messages that you are seeing in your project. From what I saw, you have a few Can’t Find File warnings, which are usually related to an extraneous reference to an asset that either has been moved or no longer exists.

Also, upgrading a project can cause multiple errors with your assets, so I’d highly recommend going through and checking all of your assets in the editor first to ensure that they’re working properly and don’t contain any warnings or errors.

Let me know if you have any further questions, and after you resolve the warnings that you are able to, if you are still getting packaging errors, please provide the output log again so I can see the new errors.

Have a great day

It would be better if you had told how to “resave a package”