Upgraded my computer to Windows 11 OS recently and installed UE5, now I am trying to double-click my UE5 project icon to launch the Editor, and the following message appears:
The game module ‘[ProjectName]’ could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.
I have re-built the C++ project in VS 2022. So far I can only launch the editor through Unreal Game Launcher or VS, which is quite annoying. It worked before in my Win 10 OS. Any clue for this?
Forgot to mention that even by right-clicking on the icon, I didn’t see the Generate Visual Studio Project option on the menu. I also tried creating a new empty C++ project using UE5.3, and after launching the game, I got this message:
Game files required to initialize the global shader library are missing from:
I finally found the issue, after installing the Windows 11, the .uproject file has to be opened by UnrealEditor. After changing the opening app now the issue is gone. But shift + right click still not working.