Unable to open NavMovementComponent?

Hey, I’m really out of Options here.ACharacter* MyCharacter = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(this, 0); MyCharacter->GetMovementComponent()->MovementState.bCanJump = false;

The second line is producing following errors

The engine doesn’t seem ( i assume) capable of opening NavMovementComponent.h where MovementState is defined. What could be the reason? If I try to inlcude the Header, it Fails…
I appreciate every Kind of healp :slight_smile:

Have you included the headers for both Character and MovementComponent? Seems like it firstly can’t resolve the Character reference.

You should include the main files (.h) not the (.generated) ones.
Main headers already include the generated ones.

Thanks for the Response: I tried to include “Character.generated.h” but it’s producing the following:

In Addition to this I added every “MovementComponent.generated.h” i found, but ist producing the same error when I don’t include character.generated.h…


neither of the files could be opened

Then it means you probably didn’t include enough details for the compiler to find the files, e.g.

#include "Runtime/Engine/Classes/GameFramework/PawnMovementComponent.h"
#include "Runtime/Engine/Classes/GameFramework/Character.h"

Great, it’s finally working. Thank you for the help (thought it was a stupid mistake, but it surprises me every time again how easy it was afterwords)