Unable to move camera when paused

I have problem of not being able to move my camera when paused.

My camera is a customcamera class and set into defaultpawnclass. When I click a button, I call UGameplayStatics::SetGamePaused(GetWorld(), true); and the customclass doesn’t work anymore.
Where should i put SetTickableWhenPaused(true); in the code?

I tried to put it in the customcamera class initialization and before button click but none of it works
My camera movement is using wasd and mouse, will having execute when pause function works too? and where should i put it?

This is all done in c++

Not sure why this went unanswered. I’m having the same issue, I want to be able to move the camera while the game is paused but it wont.

I’ve tried

PrimaryActorTick.bTickEvenWhenPaused = true;





And I can confirm the camera is ticking via UE_LOG and being moved, but the camera is not updating in the viewport.

Seems like evergreen bug, this fix worked for me: