Unable to make my Components Public for Dynamic Icon.

Hey, I was wondering why I cannot make my component public?
I was following a video tutorial and I noticed that mine was no public and when I’ve tried to change it, the engine doesn’t let me.

I’ve search on another topics saying that there is check box that you can use but, I don’t see any.

Can someone help me a bit please? Thank you !

It’s fine as is. That one tut comes from a version of UE where the functionality was not exposed correctly… it should not be possible to open that eye.

Oh, that fine. But I don’t understand why my Items Icon is not showing properly:

If you could help me on that one, I would appreciate a lot

No clue what you’re making, can’t tell what’s wrong without seeing the script - and there’s probably ton of it, right? Bar the eye icon, Is there a step in the tutorial you’re unable to follow?

The only step I cannot follow is when he add that variable. Making that Variable public is the only thing I was not able to do.

Does a git repository could help ?

As in: is there anything that literally makes the tutorial not work? Looks familiar?

Perhaps it’s a common UI thing. Not sure.

At this point nothing. The only thing I’ve seen that I was not able to reproduce exactly from the tutorial is that part where I cannot make that public variable

You won’t be able to make it public. New UE does not allow you to do that.


  • PreConstruct > Get IMG_Icon > Set Brush. (PreConstruct to see changes in the editor without playing each time)
  • Make new variable of type Slate Brush, and make that public. (or drag from Set Brush “In Brush” and promote it to a variable)

After compilation, set the brush style settings in the Details panel.

where in that blueprint should I try that?

Now I understand what you want.

Thank you a lot mate. It work now