Unable to load SocketSubsystem module UNIX

Hello all,

I’m cross compiling the UE linux server from my window10. The server compiled successfully, however when I start my linux server I got this error:

LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'SocketsWINDOWS' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogSockets: Warning: Unable to load SocketSubsystem module UNIX

Can anyone point out how to fix this issue?


Hello… help… anybody?

Are you are trying to load somewhere manually the SocketSubsystem for Windows? Make sure you don’t use it manually.

I call everything through ISocketSubsystem interface. It should load the Linux version for me right? When I built with command line, I specifically ask for Linux Platform/server.

OMG wait!!, I built the Unreal from source with FName SubSystemName = FName(“WINDOWS”) to prevent steam from switching up. That might be the cause…