Unable to load module 'IOSFlurry'. Analytics

Hello everyone! Ive got a problem with Flurry setup.
I enabled Flurry Analytics Provider & Analytics Blueprint Library in project plugins settings. Then I changed DefaultEngine.ini by adding.


Restart editor and try to use StartSession node. Then i see that warnings in Output logs:

LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'IOSFlurry'  - 0 instances of that module name found.
LogAnalytics: Warning: Failed to find Analytics provider named IOSFlurry.
LogAnalyticsBPLib: Warning: StartSession: Failed to get the default analytics provider. Double check your [Analytics] configuration in your INI

What wrong?

Also was added SDK as sayed [here][1]
SDK was ver 9.0.0 and Build.cs has been changed to it.

Error still the same.
[1]: Flurry Documentation - Sentences aren't even finished? - Documentation Feedback - Unreal Engine Forums