Unable to interact with 3D widget

Hi there, I am trying to create a 3d widget with interactable buttons.

When testing this out out, it recognises the camera hovering over them, however I cannot interact with them when I press a button.

Heres my set up in the the blue print of the player character

here is the even graph for the button


How’s this set up:


Hit there, the set up for the widget interaction for the firstperson character is this

Should work as is; could you confirm the following, however silly these may seem:

  • you do see the red debug marker dot on the button
  • you can see the hover state of the button change, but a simulated click does not trigger the press down state of the button
  • the button is not modified from its defaults (test it with a default button if it was)
  • were you to Print String here:


It would print.

I can see the debug marker on the the button as well as the hover state but the click does not trigger.

It is a default button and it was to print the string yes, but I am getting no results