Unable to install the A.R.T tool

I have been following the instruction on the PDF file, but when I open Maya 2014 after copying the userSetup.py file in the scripts folder I dont get a pop-up window asking me to find the MayaTools directory. Is there another way to install it or something I may be doing wrong?

Hey Timetravel -

Are you copying or cutting and pasting the usersetup.py file when you move it to the scripts folder? Even if you do not get the pop up are you seeing an Epic Games Menu at the top of Maya 2014? Also make sure that you have the mnost up to date version of the ART, which can be found here, Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums

Let me know -

Eric Ketchum

Ah I found what the problem was. I was copying the userSetup.py file in the scripts folder that was in Program Files instead of the one in My Documents. I should have read the PDF more carefully. Thanks for the answer anyway :smiley: