Unable to import

Probably me missing something obvious, but I am not able to import a OBJ, or any file. The ‘import model’ under reconstruction is NOT selectable. When I try from the ‘open’ and select the OBJ file (from propeller) I get a red error ‘invalid function call’.
Hoping someone can help me out. Thanks.

Hi Simon
To import an obj in an RC project, you need to have a model reconstructed in that particular project. If you try to import it in an empty project, it will not work…
Can you please confirm this ?

Ah, I think I understand now. The OBJ file was constructed by Propeller and downloaded back to myself, I then tried to open this in a blank project.
I tried this because my computer was not able to finish the work in RC (a more powerful computer is on order) so I tried to see the data from that back as a new project in RC. Does that make sense?
Thanks for the prompt reply :sunglasses:

Hi Simon
As I’ve said, if there‘s not an already reconstructed model in RC, you can’t import a model in the project. If there already is a reconstructed model, then select that particular COMPONENT and import it there… try it and report back…