Unable to import assets from FAB plugin in Unreal Engine !!!


I’m using UE 5.4 and trying to import assets into my Unreal project using the FAB plugin, but there’s no response every time I click the Add to Project button. Some contents can be imported, while others, which I recently purchased at the FAB store, cannot.
I also attempted to download the files from the Epic launcher library, but they don’t appear on the list !!

What type of bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Launch FAB plugin inside Unreal Engine 5.4
  2. go to My Library and click the conent you want to download
  3. press Add to Project button
  4. Nothing happened !

Expected Result

The asset should be imported with a download progress bar popup.

Observed Result

No response When clicking Add to project button
Unable to import contents


Unreal FAB plugin, Epic Games launcher

Operating System

Windows 10 pro

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It’s the same issue I’ve reported a few days ago:

Here’s is another post discussing the same issue:

This is a serious issue w/ the migration of assets to FAB. I’ve logged it with FAB support, and they’ve been quiet for a few days at this point.

Looks like it didn’t fully migrate. So now, when you purchase assets from FAB, there’s a chance you won’t be able to download it.

It’s a pure gamble at this point, so for anyone looking to purchase from FAB store, it’s best they wait until this is fully resolved. :frowning:


you have to sign in fab agin some time they log out

The login button doesn’t always work. Like today, it took 3.5 hours for the login button to be active

I’m experiencing the same issue. I can’t bring any marketplace content into Unreal, because if I hit “Add to Project” in Fab, Unreal briefly says it’s downloaded, then… nothing. Assets are nowhere to be found. Logging out and back in to Fab did not work.

@Crisislab if this is happening with specific content, can you share it’s link? But if you’re seeing this for any content that you try adding, can you close and re-open the UE editor to see if that helps?

I’m having the same issue and have been for quite some time now. Restarting UE helps sometimes but today it is not helping. I’m having the same issue after restarting both UE and EPIC launcher

Are you experiencing this for specific content? If yes, can you share the link to it.

(post deleted by author)

Old topic, but this is what solved the problem for me:

I also was/am having this problem. For me it was because the assets I wanted are using VT’s and I disabled them in my project settings. When I re-enabled usage of virtual texture it imported properly. Maybe this is your issue? It sucks because nothing pops up as to why you can’t import them nor does it say in fab whether the asset is using VT or not.

I can’t even find out what VT’s are compared to normal textures, I know what RVT’s are, but literally what is different from a regular texture and a VT?