unable to import alembic after animating.

Hi, im currently doing a school project and have been encountering issues with importing the animation and the mesh themselves. When i use FBX import, the mesh and skeletal is there, but the animation is missing, so now im using alembic import. at first, the skeletal import works, but the animation is intact and im able to import in the file, but some meshes are missing so as my last resort, im now using geometry cache which has been working the best so far. however, i now run into an issue where the UE engine crashes when i want to import the alembic cache. I have tested the original rig file with animation and it works, but after my team’s animator animate and i do the same export and import, UE5 crashes but when i import the alembic as a static mesh, it does not crash, im now using UE 5.3.2

Image of the crash notice:

Image of the rig test with animation:

Image of the import when static mesh is used instead:
(used a seperate UE5 project as i worried there is something wrong with the original project)