Unable to get body mesh (only skeleton) when exporting metahuman to maya 2020

let me clear this in beginning:

  1. I have maya 2020 version
  2. I have enabled “UAsset + Source Asset” at download and export stage
  3. I have selected “english” as my region language

though i am getting only skeleton and 90 degree rotated head as shown in screenshot.

Please help, thank you

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I am sorry that I am not answering your question, but I have the same problem in maya 2018. So waiting for someone to answer.

The issue exists in Bridge Plugin 6.4 where additional scenes for head GUI, lights,… depend on Arnold.

In order to get full rig assembled try upgrading Quixel Bridge Maya Plugin to 6.5.1 which does not have these dependencies no more, and rig gets fully assembled as seen on the picture below.

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Hello Kukicvladimir!
Thanks for the help, im facing the same issue but Im unable to upgrade to 6.5.1 since my Bridge shows that the latest version is 6.4.
Any thoughts about how to get the 6.5.1 version?
Thank you so much!


Hi @vladimir-kukic ,

I’m in bit of the same situation however my Bridge to Maya works then crashes Maya during the import. I get an interface with a bar loading a percentage but it stops around 70% and Maya 2020 just closes. I have full versions of Maya 2020-2018 with Arnold for all and I’m still running into an issue. The bridge was recently updated to Maya 6.4, but I still haven’t seen or been notified of a new update for 6.5. Your help would be greatly appreciated.



Same situation and the question - how to get the currect plugin?

Ok, i finally got my MH imported and it was NOT the case of the Bridge plugin. You have to have mtoa installed in order to import your MH correctly. Simple as that.
