Unable to find class FSubsystemCollectionBase

Hey everyone! Either got a really weird issue here or I am really dumb. I am using UE 5.4.4.

I derived a class from UEngineSubsystem:

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Subsystems/EngineSubsystem.h"
#include "UniverseStatesSystem.generated.h"

class SATURN_API UUniverseStatesSystem : public UEngineSubsystem

// Overrides

	virtual void Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection) override;
#include "GameData/Masters/UniverseStatesSystem.h"

void UUniverseStatesSystem::Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection)


It does not compile and returns an error: Unable to find ‘class’, ‘delegate’, ‘enum’, or ‘struct’ with name ‘FSubsystemCollectionBase’. Even if I directly include “Subsystems/SubsystemCollection.h” file, the error still remains, though in my understanding it should not happen in the first place. If I do not override Initialize(), everything is compiling and working perfectly. Would be happy to hear any ideas. Cheers. :slight_smile:

As it turned out, second possibility happened to be true: I am really dumb. I removed UFUNCTION() from declaration and everything went green. Thank you anyways, don’t be me. : )