I’m working on an AR project implementing brackets for sports (so there’s a column of four match ups, the winners progress to the next column of two match ups, the winners of that round progress to the final column with the final match up). The software I wrote this in (working last year) used 4.17; I’m now trying to make it work in an updated version (using 4.18).
There’s a Bracket blueprint that has all the functionality for a single match up, then there’s a “FullBrackets” BP that has 6 of those Brackets in it (forget about the final match). Each Bracket BP has some defaults, including linking to a textmesh node (for the string data - so each Bracket knows which match up it should show).
TLDR; If I have this:
And change ANYTHING in the defaults, including setting the text render link to anything - including “none,” or changing anything else, I get this:
I’ve never seen this before. I get nothing useful when I google it.