Today I spent several hours with a RPC that I thought didn’t work. As it turns out only the break point wasn’t triggered.
Here is some code
UFUNCTION(Server, WithValidation, Unreliable)
void ServerMoveTo(const FVector Dest);
void ServerMoveTo_Implementation(const FVector Dest);
bool ServerMoveTo_Validate(const FVector Dest);
UFUNCTION(Server, WithValidation, Unreliable)
void ServerSetTarget1();
void ServerSetTarget1_Implementation();
bool ServerSetTarget1_Validate();
void AArenaCharacterProxy::ServerMoveTo_Implementation(const FVector Dest)
APawn* const Pawn = Cast<APawn>(ServerCharacter);
if (Pawn)
UNavigationSystem* const NavSys = UNavigationSystem::GetCurrent(this);
float const Distance = FVector::Dist(Dest, Pawn->GetActorLocation());
// We need to issue move command only if far enough in order for walk animation to play correctly
if (NavSys && (Distance > 120.0f))
if (PlayerAI){
bool AArenaCharacterProxy::ServerMoveTo_Validate(const FVector Dest)
return true;
bool AArenaCharacterProxy::ServerSetTarget1_Validate()
return true;
void AArenaCharacterProxy::ServerSetTarget1_Implementation()
void AArenaCharacterProxy::Test()
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5, FColor::Blue, *GetName());
And is called like this
void AArenaCharacterProxy::PrimaryAction()
FHitResult Hit;
GetArenaPlayerController()->GetHitResultUnderCursor(ECC_WorldDynamic, false, Hit);
if (Hit.bBlockingHit)
Now the strange part, if I set a break point at
it will stop at the break point as expected. But if I set breakpoint at
VS didn’t stop at the break point.
I was very close to insanity and I usually never use print functions but in this case I just created a simple on screen message
void AArenaCharacterProxy::Test()
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5, FColor::Blue, *GetName());
which is triggered as expected. Any idea why this is happening?
Here are my break points