Unable to create projects on separate drive.

Currently whenever I try to create a project (other than blank) that isn’t under C:…\Documents\Unreal Projects\ it fails.

Failed to generate code porject files for "U:/Unreal Projects/Tester/Tester.uproject".

Is this a bug with the engine or just something I’m doing wrong?

Hi Sieabah,

Please post this onanswers.unrealengine.com/index.html so we can better assist you. Thank you!

@ , Also when you install the engine for the first time, If you do not have a C:\ drive at all in the end engine returns some errors on creating some project folders. However engine works fine and uses the proper drive too.

Will copy that to the answer hub though.

[= ;3993]
Hi Sieabah,

Please post this onanswers.unrealengine.com/index.html so we can better assist you. Thank you!


Sorry, still new to the whole wiki-answerhub-forum combo.