Create Project doesn’t work for item purchased from FAB.
But Create Project works for item purchased from Marketplace earlier.
EpicGames Launcher reinstall didn’t help.
UnrealEngine reinstall didn’t help.
I am having exactly the same issue. On 2 other products. If you go to Settings > Show Logs in your Epic Launcher, you will find EpicLauncher log file. If you examine that file you’ll see entries about Download manifest missing.
It appears that many assets fail to download due to the server related issue, either the manifests failed to port over to FAB, or there’s a bug somewhere on the server side.
I encountered a similar error when I tried to create a project using this plugin in version 5.4. However, when I set the project creation version to 4.27, I was able to create the project successfully. As a temporary workaround, I recommend creating the project in a version that works and then switching the Unreal Engine version afterward. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved soon.
Solution found. It might be all Mac users who can’t download any FAB Unreal Engine assets. Why? Because ALL of the UE assets download manifest on FAB only list platform of [“Windows”]. Epic Game launcher requests mac as platform that leads to a 404.
Create scripting overwrite using a tool like Proxyman. Here’s what I had to do to fix this, simply overwrite the initial manifest request platform to mac, now magically everything works.
Same thing here, I can’t create a project with an asset I bought. I’m using Windows. I also downloaded 4.27 to see if that worked but alas, it didn’t work. Hopefully Epic fixes this soon.
Confirmed this is happening on my M3 Mac. I am unable to create a “City Sample” project. Clicking the “Create Project” button just exits immediately without ever creating a project, and also doesn’t give me an error.
My mistake. You’re right, City Sample does indeed not list Mac as a compatible platform. It never occurred to me that the sample might not work on Mac!
Thanks for the reply.
PS- It’s kind of difficult in the Epic Games Launcher to know whether something is compatible for Mac or not. Perhaps a UI update that makes it obvious in the launcher itself would be good? The current UX is it looks like it should install just fine, when I click the button, it does “stuff” and reports no errors at all, but it just doesn’t actually install anything.
I’ve been having the same issue with my Modular GPS asset, I’ve received two emails about how when they try to add the asset fab just doesn’t do anything, I’ve tried to test it myself. I found that this behavior happens on the fab plugin inside unreal engine, and the assets don’t show at all inside the Epic Games launcher.