Unable to create new C++ project due to SDK error

When trying to create a new UE5 project I get the following message…

An error occurred while trying to generate project files.

Some Platforms were skipped due to invalid SDK setup: IOS, Android, Linux, LinuxArm64.
See the log file for detailed information

Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
ERROR: Error while enumerating Visual Studio toolchains

I’ve never had this problem with older projects, I have VS 2022 and VS build tools 2022 up to date with all the necessary extensions, and I don’t even want to build for IOS, Android, or Linux…

How do I fix this?

Find the release notes for your particular engine version, and make sure that you have everything installed that’s listed under the ‘Platform SDK Updates’ windows section. You can get these components through the Visual Studio Installer.

For UE5.2:

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