Unable to complete my trader verification


On publisher settings shows:

Verification Error
We were unable to complete your trader verification. In order to retry please reach out to our support team by creating a support case.

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the “Publisher Settings”
  2. “Trader Info” Tab
  3. We were unable to complete your trader verification. In order to retry please reach out to our support team by creating a support case.

Expected Result

To verify my trader info.

Observed Result

Verification Error
We were unable to complete your trader verification. In order to retry please reach out to our support team by creating a support case.


Google Chrome

Operating System

Windows 10

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Hi @GhostDiegog . Thanks for sharing this - please reach out to support for assistance.

I will, thank you Abby!

@GhostDiegog , issue solved , i have same issue ?

If solved please guide me