Hi there,
I was able to compile UE5.03 around 8 months ago just fine, but now I’m running into issues if I try to reproduce the compilation.
Unreal Engine: Version 5.03 Release (downloaded from Git)
Ubuntu: Version 22.04
I replaced the broken “Commit.gitdeps.xml” with the new one to circumvent the Setup.sh dependencies creation problems (Upcoming Disruption of Service Impacting Unreal Engine Users on GitHub).
Setup.sh is now running fine.
For some reason I needed to
apt install dotnet6
to make ./GenerateProjectFile.sh work.
what I didn’t needed to install the last time (I have written down a howto for myself).
GenerateProjectFile.sh is now running fine.
If I try to start the final “make” command, I end up with this:
(and 6 more errors like this)
I googled about this error “fatal error: ‘__type_traits/enable_if.h’ file not found” but was unable to find something useful…
Any hint from the community how to resolve this?
Cheers & Thanks
Error is very clear, there is an #include asking for that file but it can not find it.
Search for it in the source if you dont find it search for it inside the old commit.gitdeps.xml
You just need to figure it out where is it 
Thank you for your reply, though it didn’t help me that much.
Of course I know that this file is not found, and yes I could go and search around where it might be. But this error hints to a deeper problem of some libraries either are missing, or wrongly set by the dependencies creation inside Setup.sh.
I will check the old commit.gitdeps.xml and compare it with the new, seems it’s related with libstdc++-XX-dev
, something wrong there…
the file is here UnrealEngine/tree/5.0/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/Boost/boost-1_70_0/include/boost/type_traits
I recommend to get the whole Boost folder with the Libs and put it in your Source.
Thanks. We have been able to resolve the issue.
It’s not clever to only replace the old “commit.gitdeps.xml” with the new one and use the rest of the source from the original “5.0.3-release” tag (won’t compile).
After pulling latest UnrealEditor-5.0 source, all compiled just fine.
(same with 5.1).
Thank you anyway for your help!
Cheers Claude