Unable to compile source files

Please help me
i have no idea whats happening here i cannot compile my project.
error note say “unable to compile source file” i already try any methods to solve it but it cant

Please help me

im already deleted one of those even deleted all of those plugin
it still not working

Did you read the line just above “unable to compile”? It actually explains you the error that it already got the Xsolla plugin defined.
You probably have that plugin installed both in the Engine and in the Project. Delete one of them.

Then close the editor and delete the Intermediate folder and try again

For me, the problem was that the project name has an unacceptable “-” special character in the name. Even though previous versions of the engine allowed it, starting with 4.26+ when creating a brand new project with that character it will through an immediate tooltip warning and disallow it’s use: close UE>go to the project folder and rename the project folder name as well as the .uproject>delete the intermediate folder>relaunch UE>repackage for Android (File>Package>Android)

Having a whitespace (blank space " ") in the project name may also be disallowed, and this includes the project folder (not just the .uproject).

It seems overall, Android has more strict requirements for packaging but doesn’t provide the proper debug messages to determine the issue.

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I have same problem and where is Xsolla ? I can´t find that folder.

It happened with me too: „unable to compile source file“. I checked the log and found something is wrong with XSolla. So I found it in UE/Plugins/Marketplace and delete all 3 XSolla plugins I had

I removed Intermediate folder and all worked in ue5.1