Unable to compile fresh branch 4.18 clone

I forked and cloned the 4.18 branch and am trying to build it, but I’m getting the following two errors:

Error    C2039    'MergeShaderCacheFiles': is not a member of 'FShaderCache'    ShaderCacheTool    C:\Users\\Documents\Git\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Programs\Mac\ShaderCacheTool\Private\ShaderCacheTool.cpp    66

Error    C1083    Cannot open include file: 'Interfaces/IAutomationWorkerModule.h': No such file or directory    BuildPatchTool    C:\Users\\Documents\Git\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Programs\BuildPatchTool\Private\ToolModes\AutomationMode.cpp    12

Any clues as to why this showing up

I’m building the Developer Editor for Win64.
When using Setup.bat, this was my command line: -exclude=PS4 -exclude=XboxOne -exclude=Switch -exclude=Dingo

Can you tell me? If unreal engine 4.18 can be build with vs 2015 with update 1?

I’m getting the same errors, attempting to build within the IDE.

Win7 64
Visual Studio 2015

Others have same issue, see:

I’ve been pretty lucky, I’ve had no issues at all. I even pull the latest commits (fixes) from 4.18 branch and recompile (after I run setup.bat again) and things work great. I’m on VS2017 15.3. From what I can gleam from the docs is that 4.18 would like VS2017… Not sure if that is your issue…

Still having this problem in 4.18.1

It’s fine to remove the ShaderCache project from your solution, but that DOESN’T fix the issue if you’re trying to compile the engine to binary!

This is a known bug, is has been fixed for 4.19. See Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-51613)

hmm ok so what do we do in the meantime? Live without shader cache?

According to the list of changes, the issue has also been fixed in 4.18.2, so the fix was obviously backported. See 4.18.2 Hotfix Released - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

I just built 4.18.2 and indeed this is fixed, cool!