Hey, I was following this tutorial:
got to the bit where you first compile and it comes up with this:
Setting up Mono
Building FPSShooter…
Compiling with Mac SDK 10.10
ERROR: Source file “/Volumes/1TB/Game work/Freelance Work/MythRealm Games/FPSShooter/Source/FPSShooter/._FPSGameMode.cpp” is not including any headers. We expect all modules to include a header file for precompiled header generation. Please add an #include statement.
Command /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.6/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/RocketBuild.sh failed with exit code 2
It happens when i try to use the templates as well.
I dont have a clue. haha
Edit: it also says that the generated header file does not exist