So I have been trying to learn blueprints through the tutorials and the example projects. I have run in to a problem with possession after pressing play. In earlier builds I don’t recall having to press process every time I want to test something. Looking at the roller ball example, I noticed it auto possess the ball at the start. In my own blank map I am unable to do so. I set the world settings to have the default pawn to my blueprint. How is the roller ball example able to auto possess? do I have to manually add a possess function in to each of my own blueprints? Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
I am able to answer my own question for anyone who runs in to the same problem. I put it on simulate instead of start at location. You can change that with the little drop menu beside the play button. You can also change it when editing blueprints, Which is where I changed it.
Thanks! I just wasted a day trying to figure out what was wrong. This was exactly it.
Thanks I wasted about half a week trying to figure that out. I thought it was always on simulate, but I guess I was wrong. Thanks man.
Thank you Dagoon.