Unable to add control points in 3Ds view sparse cloud

With the Control Points button in the Alignment tab selected I cannot add a control point to the Sparse cloud in 3Ds view; The cursor remains as a normal arrow not with a little plus symbol, however I can add control points normally if I move over to the 2d image view.

Is there a setting that may have inadvertently disabled this function?


Please try to " make it like a clean install" (this will reset your settings to default in the process):
In order to do that:

  • Shift + Double LeftMouseClick on RealityCapture icon
  • From drop-down select make it like a clean install and press ok
  • Then try again

Hi Ondrej,

I literally just found the correct setting as you posted.

I had to toggle on: “Enable measurements suggestions” Under Alignment -> Settings -> Advanced

Many thanks!