Unable to add a subcategory in my details panel?

I’ve started working on a customized details panel module for some of the classes in my project. After some reading and a really great tutorial video I was able to get the first test up and running. I had a category with some variables included in it display on the details panel. I then decided I wanted to include subcategories, which was briefly mentioned in the video I watched. Instead of “CatName” I tried something like “CatName|SubCatName”, but the details only showed another main category with the name “CatName|SubCatName”. It appears the pipe | operator is not being recognized or I am doing something wrong. If I try to use an escape operator \ in it fails to compile.I managed to do a cheap work around for now where I add the main category in, and just add in groups, but I would really like to know why the subcategories are not working for me.
Thank you!

This is an old Thread, but I encountered the same problem today. If I customize a Property in a SubCategory, the Property will be added in a new Category called Category|Subcategory.

I tried different implementations, all with the same result. Directly by calling DetailLayoutBuilder.EditCategory("Category|Subcategory") and then DetailCategoryBuilder.AddProperty(TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> PropertyHandle) or DetailLayoutBuilder.AddPropertyToCategory(TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> PropertyHandle)

Is there a way how you should handle this? If not and this is a bug I will create a Bug report later on.


Hi there,

I just wrote a comment having this issue, but I found a (partial) Solution for this.
If you only want to edit Properties which already exist in the class you creating the DetailCustomization for,
you can use

IDetailPropertyRow* IDetailLayoutBuilder::EditDefaultProperty(TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> InPropertyHandle).

Then you can Customize the Property as usual.

Hope this helps someone a little further

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