So basically in the first picture is the stable version before adding Un possess. So when I overlap it shows text ‘Press E to mount’. Then I included the blueprint (stacked on top of each other so you guys can see) that includes the un possess and possessions that I want to have happen. So far it crashes when I un possess. I’m thinking possess might cause an issue too.
Also a couple questions, would a constant line trace from the character cause an issue if they are un possessed.
Any other idea why this would be happening would be greatly appreciated.
The blueprint you are looking at is the BaseAnimal blueprint and is a pawn which also has a box collision for the begin overlap you see…perhaps that is my problem, that it unpossesses and continues to try to unpossess as the character continues to overlap? Typing out the begin overlap just made me see that potential problem. I will try this and let you know if this is what is causing the problem
Ok, the problem was the overlap and that it continued to try to unpossess for each overlap. I set the unpossess to a key in the player controller and this solved it.