UMG Wrap Box Does not Wrap

I have a User Widget Panel Parent Class with Pre-Construct Script:

CharProfile_Base is a Child Blueprint of the Panel Parent Class, with Pre-Construct:

I then have CharProfile_Test which is Child of CharProfile_Base with Overridden “Create Category Tabs” Function:

This gets the proper results (you can see the tabs run to a second line, wrapping to the size of the header)

Widget Layout for the header is:
The Tabs when created, are added as children to the “CategoryTab_WrapBox”
Which has the following settings:

The CarProfile_Test Panel has widget Layout:

I create a User Widget “Test_Content” that is added to the “Tabbed_Content”, on for each category which has the following widget layout:

CharProfile_Test has overridden “Create Panel Content” function which creates and adds the SubCategory Tabs to SubCategoryTab_WrapBox

That Wrap Box has these Settings:

HOWEVER, this is how it renders without wrapping the tabs when the Category is selected:

I cannot figure out why one wrap box properly wraps and the other does not?
I need a solution that allows dynamic layout, where the wrap boxes will proper wrap to the width of the header, as the header width will change depending on what is displayed on the header above the Category Tabs.

Again, the category tabs wrap box works as expected.
I have tried using “Force Layout Prepass” in various places (before adding subcategory tabs (before each one and also before the loop that creates them) with no success.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why the one behaves as expected and the other does not?

Note: On the CharProfile_Test Widget, I have unchecked “Ignore Inherited Scale” so that when I resize the window, it will change size and update, and the wrap box will update each time the window is sized down:
Size up window, no change, size down it will wrap the subcategory tabs, size up again it will keep tham as is, size down and it will wrap them again further (incorrectly). Like this:
At Start:
Maximize Window:
Shrink Window:
Maximize Window:
Shrink Window:

Officially, I will have the ScaleBox set to Ignore, so that panels will maintain size despite the size of the window/viewport so the continous rewrapping will not be a issue, but I need to get the SubCategory Tabs to update and wrap to the proper width.

I cannot understand or figure out what is causing the difference in behavior between the two wrap boxes other than the obvious difference of the Category Widgets being visible immediately and the subcategory tabs not being visible until widget switcher is switched to active index with tabs