I’ve been using a scene capture camera so far but when i saw it’s possible to draw directly to a render target im wondering if that’s a better way to go about it?
I’ve done some reading and testing but i can’t get it to work. As far as i can tell widgets can output to a material but when i try doing it nothing shows up?
Id like to take whatever render target source the widget outputs and use that for custom materials and effects, like for example having a control panel display in game that also shows up on other displays. Thanks!
If you get a render target, then you can make a material based off of it easily by right clicking on it. Set the material domain to whatever you need and you should be able to use it. You’ll need to put a render target into a blueprint and link the two, by going into the scene capture part of the details panel on the scene capture component. If you want custom effects (like post processing) then you can set that up in the rendering features
Apart from that, I can’t help without seeing the setup you have
The issue is I can’t find the umg widget render target anywhere so I can’t do anything with it. Im guessing it’s created at play time but it must be possible to use it as others have here.
They only give a basic example of it working with no real guide on how to do it in editor preferably in blueprints or materials.