Hi guys!
I’ve got a UserInterface-Widget and inside that I have an InventoryWidget.
My first problem:
When I check the DedicatedServer option to play in editor, AddToViewport() and SetVisibility() give me an error.
"Accessed None from Return CreateUserInterfaceWidgetBP Widget".
This doesn’t happen when I PIE offline.
I know that widgets are only created on the client, but the whole thing doesn’t work when I use the “IsLocallyControlled”-Node to check that first.
The above happens in the CharacterBlueprint.
My second problem:
In my InventoryWidget I feed an array with Inventory Slots, as seen here:
At the end of that, I call a function called “UpdateInventory”.
Here the function:
The problem is that “Hide Button” says the target couldn’t be accessed. Another nullptr I guess?
Why is that happening? It didn’t happen in 4.8.3.
This happens regardless of offline/online PIE.
Am I missing something?
I know that I should always check my pointers and values, and I did that but it never gets a valid value.
What changed from 4.8.3 to 4.9 that this error comes up?
Thanks in advance guys, I hope I could explain my problems well.
Here the error list, may clear some things up that I didn’t explain well:
To clarify: I upgraded my 4.8.3 project to 4.9 and then the errors occured.
I tried creating a new CharacterBP and assigned a completely new Widget but the errors still occur.