UMG Widget Dock Flicker Bug w/Source

Please use the following content and run the default map:


I’m trying to come up with a workaround if it is not possible to fix in a timely manner. In my sample I’m appending a new line of text in a scrollbox every 0.5 seconds. The scroll box is set to “size to content” and is docked at the bottom of a border control container. As the lines are appended, every so often you see a flicker “as if the content is trying to dock to the bottom in between frames”. The end result is OK but every so many frames you see it in the middle of it’s calculation causing a flickering. I really need to get rid of the flickering. I’m not sure if there is a way to make sure the UMG widgets will perform all of the layout operations prior to any sort of rendering.

I also tried to set the all of the content to transparent for a brief moment to avoid the flicker, but in the end it still have an overall unappealing flicker as all content may be invisible or a brief moment…


Hello ,

I have a workaround that may be viable depending on your needs. I hope that this helps.


  1. Wrap the widget “RichTextStackControl” with a “Size Box” (UIPopup Widget blueprint)
  2. Set the minimum and maximum height for the “Size Box” to 160 (the size of the five lines of text that are being shown)
  3. I then set the top shadow’s image for the scroll box to 0, 0 so that it wouldn’t show up (UIRichTextStack > ScrollBoxControl)

Thanks for the workaround attempt, however, it needs to be completely dynamic as I can change the number of lines and the length of text (as it can wrap). Basically, I’m trying to create a rich text box type control so I can have individual words be represented by different colors and/or touchable links.

Hello ,

I have been looking into your issue, I have written up request (UE-21917) and I have submitted to the developers further consideration. The request is for the ability to add children to the bottom of scroll box and have them scroll up. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day