How do I fix this issue with my menu being whitewashed? can it be set to not receive lighting or something?
At the moment I have the widget as part of the player character, could that be the issue?
bumping this, need a hand with it.
bumpity bumpity bump bump
Hey, I’m not at my pc right now but I think it’s some kind of hdr setting. I’ll look into this when I can.
So, are all the elements you have 8bit pngs? (Character too?)
Couple things I’ll mention that worked for me.
Compression Settings: UserInterface2D(RGBA)
sRGB: off
Alpha Coverage Thresholds: 0,0,0,1
At the top of each texture’s details, the Format should read B8G8R8A8
I had this issue awhile ago so there may be other problems with more recent engine versions.
You can try googling for “washed out UMG” and there are plenty of possible answer out there in addition to what I’ve suggested.
FWIW, I did read about someone who was using 8-png and getting this issue, but they imported it as 16-bit and then back to 8-bit and it went away, so some brute force may be needed. Good luck!
I’m new to texturing would you mind making up and quick visual aid for me in the editor please?
Hey sorry for the lag, will do when I can! I haven’t forgotten about you Aikirob!
I mocked up a similar scroll png in photoshop. Saved it out and imported into a clean third person character project, in the default map provided. I’m not encountering the same problem and I did not mess with the texture settings at all. In my UMG it looks the same as in game. Are you able to test your UMG in a clean scene? Might have to do with lights or post process settings.
Hello ConradG, thanks for getting back to me, I tried again in a blank map with no lighting at all, the umg was black and slowly became saturated again, I have the widget permanently set up right in front of the player camera on the player character, I’m guessing its something to do with the fact that its right in front of the camera actor and its reflecting light from camera and becoming saturated?, I’m not sure what I’d have to change to make it stop increasing the light value
So I got brought up my player camera, went to exposure and set it to min brightness and max brightness of 0.7, and exposure compensation to 0, this stopped the UMG from looking washed out but also made the rest of the world look darker.