UMG Text Widget causes Crash on iOS

MacBook Pro OSX 10.11.2 UE4 10.2

Hi, I had a problem that a UMG Text Widget worked fine in the editor but crashed on iOS iPhone and iPad when the widget was created. It’s taken me days to discover that using an apostrophe (') was causing the issue.


UMG’s Bugs = Crash

UMG s Bugs = works fine


Hello ,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down things down a bit further.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Are you packaging the project out or launching on?
  4. Are you placing the (') in the widget name or just as part of the text in the widget’s actual text?
  5. Was the project upgraded from an older version of the engine?
  6. Does this only happen when packaging from a Mac to an iOS device or does it also happen when packaging from a widows machine?

I’ve currently got round the problem by removing all apostrophes from widgets and re-wording the game story a little.

Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
Probably i haven’t got the time at the moment to test maybe next week.

If so, could you provide steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
1 create a widget asset
2 add a text box
4 change to custom font and set colour/shadow (I used .OTF file type)
5 in any blueprint Create widget and add to viewport
6 play in editor (works fine text displayed on screen)
7 Package project for distribution test on TestFlight
8 install and test on devices
game plays fine until the widget with the Apostrophe contained in the Text is created the app will close and the device will return to the iOS home screen

Sorry couldn’t say if this happens if Packaged for development or launched as there was no crashes during development and the story text widgets were the last thing edited during distribution test stages.

Are you packaging the project out or launching on?
Packaged for distribution

Are you placing the (') in the widget name or just as part of the text in the widget’s actual text?
Not the name, any simple text box or multiline edit text box (text that is displayed visible to the game player as story or game instructions)

Was the project upgraded from an older version of the engine?
yes started the project in 4.9

Does this only happen when packaging from a Mac to an iOS device or does it also happen when packaging from a widows machine?
I’ve only tried with
OSX 10.11.2
Xcode 7.2
iOS devices iPhone 5/5s/6/6s+ iPad 2/Air2
iOS 9.0- 9.2

Hello ,

I tried reproducing this issue with the additional information provided but was unable to do so. Would it be possible for you to provide a project that when packaged out produces the issue that you are experiencing?

Hello ,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.