UMG Text Box Highlight Color Access Missing?

Is there any reason as to why the Text Box is missing access to the highlight color when selecting via mouse?

The text box multi-line has access to it. Sort of odd one has it and the other doesn’t it. When selecting on the Text Box it is just a dark blue color by default apparently. Doesn’t mesh very well with dark backgrounds though.

the multi-line box has several settings, some like font, color, font size, etc have more than 1 option. May be a bug, but try to search what you want in that component settings that you will find. Other possibility is that the parent you attached that multi-line text box is causing the issue, try to change it or use the canvas as parent, at least for a test

I wasn’t referring to the multi-line box. I was referring to the Single Line Editable Text Box. It seems they did not implement, where you could change the TextStyle of the SEditableTextBox or on SEditableText, like they did for the SMultilineEditableText and SMultilineEditableTextBox.

What’s funny is that both SMultilineEditableText and SEditableText share the same underlying SEditableTextLayout object for actually doing the highlighting. SEditableText has a BackgroundImageSelect, but it can only be set when creating a SEditableText object. But, SEditableTextBox does not allow modification of that setting when creating a new SEditableTextBox.

I stayed up to 2:30am figuring this out and basically copying their code and modifying into my own set of SAVFEditableText, SAVFEditableTextBox, and AVFEditableTextBox (UMG Widget). They allow the same settings as the MultilineEditableTextBox (UMG) via the FTextBlockStyle struct. The SAVFEditableText can be set with it or now has a SetTextStyle() function. Same goes for the SAVFEditableTextBox. The AVFEditableTextBox provides a UPROPERTY for FTextBlockStyle now, which is then passed onto the SAVFEditableTextBox when creating or refreshing it.

I’m trying to find a blueprint solution for this : /

Here is my modified code for it, but it is a little finicky sometimes when used as a blueprint widget. Not sure if is due to UE itself or whatever.