Thank you Furroy ,
I also just discovered that they do share the same localization key after further investigation.
Thank you Furroy ,
I also just discovered that they do share the same localization key after further investigation.
Hi ,
I reproduced the bug I encountered by doing the following -
(1) Created 3 unique Text Blocks , named uniquely.
(2) Compile , or move Text Block position after renamed.
Result - All Text Blocks share the same “Text” property.
But even before compiling the share of property can be observed in the hierarcy panel
See Screenshots.
If this may be of any help , Im not too sure , but the the the problem might lie within the “new”? localization option next to the text properties , as I also noted they share the same “key”
Best Regards ,
It looks like they are all sharing the same localization key. If you click the tiny down arrow after the text field under Content in the right panel, you can have it regenerate a new key for each one. This tripped me up the first time I used duplicate on a text field myself.
I’m trying this and I’m getting my various widgets text screwed up all over the place. Is there a way to disable this as the random key seems to grab that of other text blocks most of the time.
3 hours? This for Jan Game Jam? At least you found what the issue is in time!! Good luck!
I am having this issue too. No idea when it starter (I’m thinking Preview 3). Everything is unique, but when I change the text of a box, it doesn’t even update in the preview until I compile. That itself is iffy as some textblocks may not update at all and reset. I noticed this three hours before I’m suppose to debut a demo. -_-
You got it. haha I never knew about the localization for text before. Thank you nonetheless.
Hello Ockertvs,
I was able to reproduce this issue on my end. I have written a report (UE-7813) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for you time and information.
Make it a great day
Thank you Rudy ,
Much appreciated