I am looking for ways to make the gamepad navigation (between widgets which Navigate via Wrap and Escape directions to each other for keyboard and gamepad) slow down and require the user to return the thumbstick to center before pressing it to another direction again. This is to make the on-screen keyboard I created be less “slippery”.
Currently users when focused on one of the many keyboard button widgets added to a Wrap Box which forms the “keyboard” will sometimes have the focus slip upward and then to the right, for example, if they pressed diagonally on the thumbstick, when they only wanted to move ONCE, up or right. I want to fix this so it only moves once, and they have to return the thumbstick to center before moving again, for more precise, less slippery movement of which key on the onscreen keyboard they are selecting.
I saw something called Stop Action in the root of the Widget hierarchy for the GPKeyboardKey class I made. Does anyone know what it does, and if it has anything to do with what I’m trying to accomplish?