[UMG] ScrollBox Auto Scrolling

Hi, like as subject, how i can auto scroll a scroll box?

In what manner? Do you want to just scroll directly to end, or do you want to scroll bit by bit from top to bottom?

Thank you for your reply. Directly to the end

Very easy! Just make sure your scrollbox “is variable” and drag from it on the graph and call “scroll to end.”



Scroll to End function doesn’t exists :stuck_out_tongue:

Which engine version are you using? I’m running 4.7P8.

Does it show up if you turn on Context Sensitive?

I’m using 4.6.1 stable, but as 4.7 stable has been released today I’m going to update!!
It doesn’t show up it i turn on context sensitive, it would just reduce the possible actions. But i think that we can confirm that it’s a 4.7 new feature.
Thank you

This node is available from 4.7. Thank you all :smiley:

Hooray! Time for me to upgrade too!

Hmm, wish I had known about this back when I created my scrolling inventory and created a custom scroll function based on the mouses position over the scroll box. Thanks for sharing the answer though

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