Hello… I have already posted about this in the feedback section in the forum, I was hoping 4.6 will solve most of my problems but after testing the 4.6.0 preview that does not seem to be the case.
The problem is that while there are “Set” nodes for most of UMG widget properties, there are very few “Get” nodes.
My problem atm is with the Scroll Box… I’m trying to make a chat box for my game and as every chat box it needs to have auto scrolling.
There is a “Set Scroll Offset” node but there is no “Get” equivalent and so there is no way of getting the current scroll offset (not unless you mess with c++ anyway) which is a problem since the chat should auto scroll only if the scroll bar is already scrolled down (otherwise the user basically can’t properly read previous messages since every time a new message is received it will auto scroll down).
Not to mention there is (AFAIK) no way of getting the maximum scroll offset which means the only way is to set the offset to a large number and hope it exceeds the content’s height.
Also there is no “Get” methods for any of the layout parameters which is extremely inconvenient.
Is there any good reason why there are so many “Get” nodes missing?
It seems perfectly reasonable to me that if you can set a variable you should also be able to read that variable!