UMG scaling issues

I’m trying to make an inventory / equipment interface, and I want the slots to keep their 1:1 square aspect ration throughout scaling, without a fixed size. I also want them to keep their padding consistent so they don’t get spaced away from each other. ideally it would always look like this:

but as you can see here, the text above and below just won’t keep aligned to it to the left, and the text below will start distancing vertically from the slots.

this is the best I managed to make it so it would keep the slots together and square, but the adjacent elements keep falling apart like that.


I’m in a mess of uniform grids, size boxes, scale boxes, canvas panels and overlays, so I thought someone could help me out, maybe starting from scratch would be easier.


I suggest adding the text title Equipment and Inventory inside the vertical box and play with the Anchor of the horizontal panel.

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