UMG Progress bar image tiling UV's wrong

I’m trying to setup a simple progress bar with a tiled background image. When I set the background image for the progress bar, then set it to draw as an image, and then set tiling to be horizontal, the tiling UV’s are completely wrong. I checked all the settings for my texture and everything seemed fine. As a test, I dropped an image object onto the canvas, gave it the same image settings as my progress bar, and it tiles just fine. Is this a bug in the progress bar or is there some other setting I need to change?

The blue highlighted box is the image object with correct tiling, and the green highlighted box is the progress bar with duplicate settings, but incorrect tiling.

I have the exact same issue, and I just didn’t find any fix or workaround for this. Please help.

Unfortunately, I never found a way to fix this. My workaround was just using a pre-tiled texture as the progress bar image.

Set your ‘Style’ > ‘Fill Image’ > ‘Margin’ to zero.

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THIS! is the answer! It now works like it should! Thank you very much!

Wow, nice find!

Margin is no longer an option. Now what?

Same, 10 years later, any option for tiling control image in UMG UE5.5?

Use a material brush
material setup

Style setup
