[UMG] Possible to disable button state depending on activeness of button?

Hi fellow Unreal Engine Developers, I am trying to create a WBP of a simple browser. I ran into a slight problem tho, when a button is already active I would like to disable its hover state or trade it for a different button just like a real browser does.
If you open a few tabs in your browser, you can see that tabs that are inactive/ passive will have a different appearance when you hover over them. The active tab however doesn’t change its appearance and holds its value when you hover over it. I am not the most advanced user when it comes to blueprints/ coding, I already tried “set enabled” but that just removes the option to interact with the button at all. I would be very happy if some of you guys could help me with this problem. I would also greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with a little photo of the setup if you have the spare time for it.

kind regards