UMG packaging errors

My problem is when I package the game then I will get a errors. something like

“LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/UMGEditor’”.

“LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/UMGEditor’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/UMGEditor’”

I am using the 4.4.1v Engine and UMG it is worked exactly in game simulator.

more detail like following:

Log file open, 09/19/14 14:26:47
LogInit: Version:
4.4.1-2270799+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.4 LogInit: API Version: 2255576 LogInit:
Compiled (64-bit): Aug 25 2014
14:17:15 LogInit: Build Configuration:
Development LogInit: Branch Name:
++depot+UE4-Releases+4.4 LogInit: Command line: LogInit: Base
LogInit: Rocket: 1
0]LogTaskGraph: Started task graph
with 3 named threads and 4 total
threads. [2014.09.19-06.26.48:341][
0]LogOnline:Error: STEAM: Steam User
is NOT subscribed, exiting.
0]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Client
API initialized 0
0]LogOnline:Display: STEAM:
0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API
failed to initialize!
0]LogOnline:Display: STEAM:
0]LogOnline:Warning: Unable to load
default OnlineSubsystem module Steam,
using NULL interface
0]LogOnline:Verbose: NULL: Created
thread (ID:5504).
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:353][ 0]LogInit:
WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2),
MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
0]LogVoice:Warning: Failed to
initialize voice interface
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:356][ 0]LogInit:
Presizing for 0 objects not considered
by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:361][ 0]LogInit:
Object subsystem initialized
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:363][ 0]LogInit:
Selected Device Profile:
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:363][ 0]LogInit:
Applying CVar settings loaded from the
selected device profile:
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][ 0]LogInit:
Computer: PC10-PC
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][ 0]LogInit:
User: Neo [2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][
0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=4
[2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][ 0]LogInit:
High frequency timer resolution
=3.312786 MHz [2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][
0]LogMemory: Memory total:
Physical=15.9GB (16GB approx)
0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for
0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory:
67.67 MB used, 67.67 MB peak [2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][
0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory:
37.96 MB used, 38.09 MB peak [2014.09.19-06.26.48:419][
0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 5752.16
MB used, 16331.57 MB total
0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 338.38 MB
used, 134217728.00 MB total
0]LogD3D11RHI: Found D3D11 adapter 0:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (Feature
Level 11_0) [2014.09.19-06.26.48:465][
0]LogD3D11RHI: Adapter has 1989MB of
dedicated video memory, 0MB of
dedicated system memory, and 2048MB of
shared system memory, 2 output[s]
0]LogD3D11RHI: Found D3D11 adapter 1:
Microsoft Basic Render Driver (Feature
Level 11_0) [2014.09.19-06.26.48:467][
0]LogD3D11RHI: Adapter has 0MB of
dedicated video memory, 0MB of
dedicated system memory, and 256MB of
shared system memory, 0 output[s]
0]LogD3D11RHI: Chosen D3D11 Adapter Id
= 0 [2014.09.19-06.26.48:472][ 0]LogRHI: Texture pool is 1361 MB (70%
of 1945 MB) [2014.09.19-06.26.48:485][
0]LogD3D11RHI: Async texture creation
enabled [2014.09.19-06.26.48:532][
The selected culture ‘en_US’ is not
available; falling back to ‘en’
0]LogContentStreaming: Texture pool
size is 1000.000000MB
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file
0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load
Referenced by BattleTimerUMG_C
0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to
load ‘/Script/UMGEditor’: Can’t find
file ‘/Script/UMGEditor’
0]LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file
for asset ‘/Script/UMGEditor’ while
loading NULL.
0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load
Referenced by BattleTimerUMG_C
0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to
load ‘/Script/UMGEditor’: Can’t find
file for asset ‘/Script/UMGEditor’
while loading NULL.
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘WidgetTree_16’: WidgetBlueprint
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBox_308’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_287’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_304’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_58’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘[TextBlock] " "’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘[TextBlock] “Text Block”’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_62’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘WidgetTree_19’: WidgetBlueprint
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBox_354’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_262’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_266’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘[TextBlock] “IIIIIIIIIIIII…”’:
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_394’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘WidgetTree_46’: WidgetBlueprint
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBox_35’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_16’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_18’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_22’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_21’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_23’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_27’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘WidgetTree_61’: WidgetBlueprint
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBox_25’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_23’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_31’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘HorizontalBoxSlot_36’: HorizontalBox
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_31’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_39’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘TextBlock_44’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘WidgetTree_33’: WidgetBlueprint
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘[CanvasPanel]’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘CanvasPanelSlot_1166’: CanvasPanel
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘CanvasPanelSlot_1218’: CanvasPanel
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘CanvasPanelSlot_1284’: CanvasPanel
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘CanvasPanelSlot_54’: CanvasPanel
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘MovieSceneMarginTrack_0’: MovieScene
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘Ammo’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘ScrollMSG’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘Timer’: WidgetTree
0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport:
Failed to load Outer for resource
‘Chat’: WidgetTree
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘JsonUtils’ not
found - it’s
function is null.
ModuleManager: Module ‘IKinemaEditor’
not found - it’s
function is null.
0]LogWindowsMoviePlayer: Unable to
load movie:
0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry
took 0.0166 seconds to start up
[2014.09.19-06.26.51:851][ 0]LogObj:
25421 objects as part of root set at
end of initial load.
0]LogUObjectAllocator: 6145120 out of
0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[2014.09.19-06.26.51:851][ 0]LogExit:
Preparing to exit.
[2014.09.19-06.26.51:974][ 0]LogExit:
Object subsystem successfully closed.
Terminating failed while unadvising
the language notification sink from
the TSF source.
[2014.09.19-06.26.52:028][ 0]LogExit:
Preparing to exit.
0]LogOnline:Display: NULL:
0]LogOnline:Display: Unloading online
subsystem: Steam
0]LogOnline:Display: Unloading online
subsystem: Null
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module SlateRemote (42)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module CustomMeshComponent
(41) [2014.09.19-06.26.52:035][
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module CableComponent (40)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module AssetRegistry (39)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module StormUnited (38)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module ScriptPlugin (37)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module UdpMessaging (36)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Paper2D (35)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module WindowsMoviePlayer
(34) [2014.09.19-06.26.52:037][
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module
StormUnitedLoadingScreen (33)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module ImageWrapper (32)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module UMG (31)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Slate (30)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module SessionServices (29)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Messaging (28)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module HeadMountedDisplay
(27) [2014.09.19-06.26.52:037][
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module XAudio2 (26)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Networking (25)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Core (24)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module IKinemaCore (22)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module InputCore (20)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Voice (18)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module
ExampleDeviceProfileSelector (13)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module OculusRift (12)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module ShaderCore (11)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module OpenGLDrv (10)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module D3D11RHI (9)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module SlateRHIRenderer (8)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Renderer (7)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module Engine (6)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module CoreUObject (5)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module NetworkFile (4)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module StreamingFile (3)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module SandboxFile (2)
0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and
abandoning module PakFile (1)
[2014.09.19-06.26.52:037][ 0]LogExit:
Exiting. [2014.09.19-06.26.52:038][
0]Log file closed, 09/19/14 14:26:52

Similar issue perhaps? [Android Packaging] Crash on startup caused by UMG - UI - Unreal Engine Forums

I’m guessing you’re packaging for Windows, though.

yes I am packaging for windows. I watched u topic. but maybe the problem is a different from my case. thank you

Hello ryuikuya,

Thank you for your report. We were not able to investigate this on the engine version you reported, but there have been many version changes to UE4 since this question was first posted. With a new version of the Engine comes new fixes and it is possible that this issue has changed or may no longer occur. Due to timetable of when this issue was first posted, we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported in the current engine version, then please respond to this message with additional information and we will investigate as soon as possible. If you are experiencing a similar, but different issue at this time, could you please submit a new report for it.