Hey there, community! I have Widgets with DragAndDrop system and really want to add for them a possibility to change a number of children, generate them on the fly, but there are one thing. I don’t know how to check if a widget is rendering fully.
For DragAndDrop, my cursor is locked to screen border but I can move widget further and further outside screen so far that at some point I can´t grab it to return back.
For widget child generator, I don´t want my widget will generate so mush slots so a player will not see a bottom. And for example, if this is an inventory of storage with 10 slots, my player open it and widget shows in center of the screen, but if next one will be for 50 slots, player will open it and to manage see all of the slots will be needed to Drag window up. So i want to auto move center of widget based on its size.
Basically the question is about how can I check “bounding box” of a widget to know if some part of it is out-of-screen and maybe there is some way to locked it in screen space. And rendering newly created widget without canvas panel in center of the screen even if it size was changed but of course respect size of the screen, so upper part of the widget that can be “dragged” will not go out-of-screen.