Hello Community
I was playing around with UMG and i have some issue which made me pull my hair out.
I took different approaches to see if it will work or do what i want it to do.
Approach 1 :
I setup my UI_HUD UMG Widget and put all my UI_Widgets in there and add the UI_HUD to my view port, and made my keyboard/mouse input key_maps work in BP_PLAYER (Pawn Class) blueprint
Result : works perfectly
Issue : When you have a a lot of UI Widgets it becomes messy inside 1 UI_HUD
Approach 2 :
I setup my UI_Framework as a base add my widget as a child and add the UI_Framework to the view port, and made my keyboard/mouse input in BP_PLAYER (Pawn Class) or BP_PLAYER_CONTROLLER blueprint.
Result : Displaying works fine
Issue : I’m unable to remove a widget from the UI_Framework or set the visibility of one of the widget, i always get a No Access Error.
Approach 3 :
For each UI i created a own widget and added each widget to the view port and made the keyboard/mouse input key_maps work in BP_PLAYER (Pawn Class) blueprint, (It won’t work in BP_PLAYER_CONTROLLER)
Result : works perfectly
Issue : The UI’s are not clickable because they are laying on top of each other. (I haven’t figure out how to fix that)
Maybe somebody have a better approach or know what i’m doing wrong.
Edit : Found a solution that worked for me.
I’m not sure if this is the right approach if there are any but it did the job for me, it may or may not be a help for somebody that is trying the same thing.
Modular Widgets :
UI_Framework is the base of your UI and all your other UI Widgets wrap inside it, but you are not limited on how many different UI_Frameworks you can have.
Example :
UI_HUD_Framework : UI_HUD (Health, Exp, Energy), UI_HUD_Details
UI_SHOP_Framework : UI_SHOP, UI_SHOP_Sales
It’s not limited to what you can combine together, it’s more in the mind of Easy Maintainability of UI Components
Create and Add a Widget to your Framework :
Example : I’m adding my widget UI_HUD to my Framework
Add More Widgets to your Framework with out any problem
Some Sizing and Positioning Options. (You can use any option that is linked to the canvas panel option)
Add your Framework to the Viewport :
Every UI Widget has it’s own Widget File, also stacking a widget into a widget into a other widget is not a problem at all. the framework will basicly do all the work for you, Thanks to Epic’s Epic Coding of course
Controlling your framework is very easy and maintainable :
Controlling the whole framework or just widgets and/or components inside of it is very easy.
I hope this helped anybody