UMG Minimap | Almost Plug and Play

Any ETA on the UE 4.13 update?

What I tell before, I let the capture cam follow the character and only using 256x256 render target size, so its very fast…

The minimap is working fine with 4.13, no update needed :slight_smile: But you’re right, I have to tick that checkbox to mark it as compatible with 4.13 so that its displayed as compatible on the marketplace, I forgot to do that, thanks for reminding me!

It is not so easy to set this up for streaming volumes with multiple landscapes. I managed to set this up but it’s quite some work. I would suggest that the author implements this in the next version. Basically the problem is that the original version uses the first landscape it finds which is not always the correct one. I can provide my BPs if necessary

Hey guys,
I’m working with the minimap and I’m getting random crashes with the following message
Detaching from existing linker for …/…/…/…/…/…/Data/Content/UMGMiniMap/MiniMap/MovePanel.uasset while object Image /Game/UMGMiniMap/MiniMap/MovePanel.MovePanel_C:WidgetTree_2122.Image_14 needs loaded

Always after I switch from another project to the one that has the mini map. It happens when I start up the project. No idea what this means. Anybody?

Sure, feel free to post what you changed here or send me a PM :slight_smile:

How often does this happen? It’s the first time I heard about that, could you send me a test project where this issue occurs?

Thanks, I am pretty sure it must be due to the change I am making to your BPs, I just dont understand why it happens and what it means. It looks to me like at startup in the editor it is removing all remnants of old objects from a previous run, because it always happens only on the second run, never on the first. So it’s like the map is being built up in that texture while the minimap widget is being destroyed.

I have already dropped my changes regarding the landscape though. It was my first choice to replace your code where you get the first available landscape with GetAllActorsOfClass with a function where all landscapes are valuated and the one is chosen in which the player character is, based on a box test and, if the character is not enclosed in any bounding box of a landscape, chose the one where the player is closest to the landscape center. You have to repeat this process and the screenshot periodically as new landscapes are streamed in and others are streamed out. So you can have multiple landscapes in memory at any time, plus they change. Not easy to handle.

Hopwever, after updating to UE 4.13 there is now the option to make an orhtographic shot. This has several advantages.
First you dont have to have the camera so high above anymore as to nullify the perspectivic distortions. Second, by not having the camera so far, you have fewer problems with distance culling. i was never able to see streets in your minimap because they would be culled due to the distance. Same with most static meshes like houses. With the orthographic view you can now place the camera 20 meter or so above the character and have fewer problems with small meshes, although the UE culling volume still culls out streets in the view from above. Perhaps because they are so flat, I dont know. I replaced the UE culling mechanism with my own culling manager now.

Lastly, and thats the biggest change, you can now make a small screenshot from right above the player. I make the orthographic view a fixed 200*200 meter and when the player moves like 20 meters I make a new screenshot. This way, you dont need to rely on landscapes anymore and you ahve a much higher resolution minimap since the pictured area is small. This also helps when you have caves under a landscape for instance. Due toi the low camera height, the caves will soon come into view provided they are deeper than the camera height. The camera goes under the landscape and the cave comes into view.

It is my suggestion that you change the whole minimap system based on these ideas since it makes it better optically and also easier to handle since you dont need to rely on landscapes or provide your own screenshots, both of which was cumbersome.

If possible please send me a test project where that issue occurs, I would be glad to investigate why that happens!

It’s really nice that with 4.13 it finally became possible to make scene captures capture the scene in an orthographic way, yeah. I should probably enable that by default in the minimap!

But I think having a non-moving image with fixed bounds is definitely the best way to do it for the most cases. In your edge case with a really big map so that you need to stream multiple landscapes in and out that might not be the case and the way you modified it might fit better though.

But in general, having an image where the bounds are fixed allows you to 1. never having to recapture anything since you are panning that one image, which is a lot better for performance, and 2. it allows you to use a custom stylized image. It is very easy to just let a scene capture create the image for you, but most people will want to use a custom stylized image created by an artist there, since that looks way better than anything you captured in the game. And since you don’t need to recapture anything, you can basically use an 8K texture there so even if your world is really huge, you will still get small detail on that texture when you have zoomed in :slight_smile:

If possible please send me a test project where that issue occurs, I would be glad to investigate why that happens!
Its part of a huge project with many assets, I cant really send it. I keep eliminating things, have eliminated all construct scripts now so map doesn’t run anything on construction and yet it keeps happening. I’m running out of ideas here, I have to eliminate more and more to see when it stopps crashing. If i find anything, i post here

Well, you say it’s something related to the minimap, so can’t you just copy all the minimap related things to a new project so that you get the issue there? :slight_smile:

Does this mini-map support the rendering of level geometry, for example, a top down game would have rooms made up of connecting walls, obviously with no roof, would there be a way to display each wall that makes up a room as a line on this minimap, or does it only represent actors as rectangles? Something like this.

Hi Wallenstein,

I’m very interested in the updates to the minimap you describe here. I’m trying to go in the direction you described. Were you ever able to get it all running? If you would be willing could you share some blueprints or some screen shots of your blueprints.

Yep, Ok, I see if I can isolate the changes tomorrow and upload some screenshots, I have to remember what I changed. It is now only a few changes, with the orhtographic projection Epic added, it’s now way easier, but I have to find them first

Wow, that would be awesome. Happy New year!


First let me say, thank you for the mini map its a very nice product. Clearly the leader on the marketplace. I wanted to say a few things about this. I think when you built the mini map system you were right the only real game ready way to go was to have an artist make a stylized drawing for the background. Its what does. I do think that things might have move on a bit since then. People really expect procedural content at this point. Things like dungeon architect make that easier. I actually think most games now will have some degree of procedural and level streaming, thus the stylized drawing thing is kind of out. It means we either leave the landscape blank and go with just a radar look or do something like the Diablo 3 minimap. In those levels they have a way of getting the navigable ground and making a rough sketch as the map background. This is way batter. It’s something I would like to do. I would love it if you wanted to add this to your system :wink:

I am interested though if you have an idea of how to set that up as some kind of procedural generated material layer background. It seems like we would need to used the capture cam and maybe an alpha or something to try and draw it. Any thoughts? I cant really find much on it.

I send you a link in email where you can download my version of your minimap with all the changes, I’m afraid I have no time to go through it and extract all the changes, but you can use mine as a template

I definitely like procedural stuff, but its still not used very often. Especially since UE4 has only Lightmass as a good GI solution, and that doesn’t work with any dynamic geometry in the level. So most games will stay very static for a long time, I don’t think that much has changed recently about that. Another reason for that is that procedurally generating a level is hard to do right, and many people don’t have the time or skills to do that in the quality that could compete with levels that are hand-placed in the editor.

If you are procedurally generating the level, then you have very complex code for that that determines where to place what. So in your code you know exactly where a floor will be, where a wall will be and so on. So the best way to let this appear on the minimap is to not just place the correct geometry in the level while you are generating it, but also generate the texture. So you draw to a custom render target while generating the level and then you might run a few effects over that texture you just created. So you do what Photoshop would do, just in your own code. There are probably libraries available for that, so you would use those. As a result you get something like the image you attached in your post.

This isn’t simple do to, but its still way easier than procedurally generating a good level itself, so if you have created that code already, generating the texture should be easy for you. :slight_smile:

hi, as reason why my characters position would be a little off compared to the map? its about a cm out on the minimap to where I actually am

Is it possible to use it in VR game ?

Yes, in VR you would just put the widget on a widget component, it will work same like without VR :slight_smile: