I was having an issue with the list view in UMG where when I clicked an item in the list with the left mouse button, the “On Item Selection Changed” event was not firing. I spent a bit of time trying to figure out if I had my list view item population setup incorrectly but then I accidentally right clicked on an item in the list and it fired the event!
My question is, where is this configuration to change it to the left mouse button instead of the right mouse button? I haven’t changed anything in that regard and I used the Third Person Starter blueprint project.
Hey, I got the same issue, and it looks like if there’s one or more enabled buttons in the entry widget, it will give them the LMB and use RMB instead.
I had one button in my entry widget, as soon as I disabled it the LMB started working.
If look through the source code of list view, you will find out it as designed that both lfb & rmb can fire click the event of onitemselectionchanged. But if entry widget contains widgets which can response to click event, such as button, checkbox and so on, lfb point event won’t work anymore.You can change the click method of the annoying widget in entry widget from ’ Down and Up’ to ‘Precise Click’ and try again.
IF it still doesnt work, you can try to set the visibility of the entrywidget to Not-Hit(all children)
If you end up here, because your list items only react to right clicks, check that you haven’t overridden the OnMouseButtonDown function in your widget.
Ok, that is my fault. My entry class have a canvas panel, and I dont know why the canvas panel prevent me from getting input. The canvas panel also make the ListView only shows one entry. Details are presented in my single post, not to brother this thread.